Greetings one and all!
I joined this club at one time, but due to the fact the I work second shift and all of you have breakfast at un-Godly hours in the morning, I've been unable to physically meet anyone.
I've got my 24,000 mile service coming up on my 2015RT, and I"m wondering if I shouldn't just have them do the valve check/adjustment and bleed the brakes and clutch. The rest I can do myself. At both the 12,000 and the 18,000 mile service, the tech at what is now Eurocycles broke the tabs off the front left panel. They replaced it both times, but it is a giant PITA. Plus, I'd just rather do what I can myself. Not sure if they will reset the service indicator if they don't do ALL of the work.
And do I owe any dues?
Thanks to all.
There are 4 Comments

I don't see your email address anywhere for being paid up. Go to the home page and fill out the paperwork and send it in. Members can use the GS-911 for free. See our Tech day coming up.

Need a name
I need a real name to search some more. Your email is not listed.

You are on the website
Hi Mark, You are still listed on the website. You can enter your details.